Saturday, March 21, 2015

Interview : Dimas Laksana Yudharaputra

Dimas Laksana Yudharaputra, a man who won many social science achievments!

Name    : Dimas Laksana Yudharaputra
School  : SMAN 3 Bandung
Age       : 15 yo
Address : Cipedes Street

S: "Assalamualaikum Dimas, where school do you go?"
D: "SMAN 3 Bandung"

S: "I've heard you've won many achievment in social science, can you tell me what you got from that contest?"
D : "Well i've got a lot education of social science and ofcourse medals."

S: "Thats amazing, how many medals you got? and what kind of medals you got?"
D : "i've won  many kinds of medals i'll tell you one by one"
1. 2nd School Selection OSN IPS 2013
2. 1st City Selection OSN IPS 2013
3. 1st Province Selection OSN IPS 2013
4. Gold Medal and Absolute Winner OSN IPS 2013
5. 1st City Selection Geografi 2014
6. 2nd City Selection Geografi 2015
7. Bronze Medal Earth Day competition 2015

S: "Congrats Dimas, thats a lot of medals you got, what inspired you to participate in that kind of contest?"
D: "Well when im 8th grade i just tried to enter social science contest, because the other divisons already have heavy rival. Gladly i won in the school selection. Since that time i want to know more about social science"

S: "Ok thanks for hearing me, is there any tips for everyone about social science?"
D: "you'll just have read books often and have passion in it."

Bimo Aditya Rahman dan Dimas Laksana Yudharaputra, siswa SMP Negeri 5      Kota  Bandung peraih Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) tingkat nasional dan      internasional tahun lalu. Diapit Sekretaris Disdik Kota Bandung Drs. Dadang Iradi, M.Pd.     dan Kepala TU SMPN 5 Suganda.

Ok thats the interview to my friend Dimas.